
Tooth Bonding

Tooth Bonding

tooth bonding pasadenaRepairs minor imperfections

If you have a slight imperfection in your teeth, bonding can be a simple way to improve your smile. Bonding can repair teeth that are:

  • Stained
  • Chipped
  • Crooked
  • Have Minor gaps

And in some cases, bonding can repair a cavity with a natural-looking, tooth-colored restoration.

Advantages of bonding

  • Bonding can be a quick procedure, often done in just an hour or two.
  • Many bonding procedures can be performed without anesthesia.
  • It can be less expensive than a crown or veneer.



To prepare a tooth for bonding, we clean off any plaque and tartar. We choose a shade that matches your natural tooth color. The tooth needs to be dry, so we may use a rubber dam to isolate it.

To begin, we use a mild etching solution to condition the tooth surface. This helps the bonding agent adhere to your tooth.

We then apply the bonding material and harden it with a special curing light.

We add another layer of resin, and again, harden it with the curing light. We may do this several times until we reach the proper thickness. Once all layers have been placed, we sculpt them to the desired shape.

We check your bite to make sure your tooth functions properly.

Finally, we polish your tooth to a smooth and beautiful finish. With proper care, the bonding material should last between 3 and 10 years.

Bonding can be a good way to repair minor problems and give you a beautiful smile.

For What Conditions Is Dental Bonding Considered?

Dental bonding is an option that can be considered:

  • To repair decayed teeth (composite resins are used to fill cavities)
  • To repair chipped or cracked teeth
  • To improve the appearance of discolored teeth
  • To close spaces between teeth
  • To make teeth look longer
  • To change the shape of teeth
  • As a cosmetic alternative to amalgam fillings
  • To protect a portion of the tooth’s root that has been exposed when gums recede

How long will my tooth bonding last?

The bonded composite has an average life of four to eight years, and often lasts longer depending on how and where in the mouth it is applied and how it is maintained. The area can be touched up and even re-bonded over time as necessary.


How long will the procedure take?

Dental tooth bonding is completed in a single office visit, and usually takes about the same amount of time that a metal amalgam filling would take.

Do I need to take special care of my bonded teeth?

Generally, no, special care is not needed for dental bonding. It is a good idea to stay away from harsh toothpastes and hard toothbrushes to make sure the dental bonding does not dull. It is also important to maintain good dental hygiene and visit us regularly for dental check ups.

Tooth Bonding Procedure

Ask Your Dentist if Bonding is Right for You

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